Monday, May 13, 2013

This is How I dream

You don't know
how much
 I dream of you
laying in your comfort
radiance of smile
 subdued in this misty cornucopia

Ferments of moisture design
 rests on our anatomy 
blissful regions
our touch maybe far
 our soul ascends
twisted in myriad directions
 all coordinates that all leads
 back to you...

 Horizons of love reign
as it rays perch
on each
 of our temples....
 centering..... manifesting
 parallel rhythms
 sounds heard
sweeter then melon dew
fruitful in our intentions
we want to bask
in this great  garden
Our devotion  had once  tilled
fertilize to incarnate more
our co-existence of love

This  remarkable dream of you
its scenery that coincides
 with my imagery of Eden
  your beauty accents it array
cascading hills of great vineyard
skies reveals of blue teal
with the hint of royal purple
rainbows are  adorned
bending  prisms
of your reflection in falling water
landscapes are vast in this  humbling valley
very proportionate  to our feelings
where I thoughts transform  identity
longevity of our emotions never  tainted
This is how I dream of us
