Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Follow my ink trails....better then those chem trails..
in our once virgin sky
I fly high still soar as .his will towers
over my pains pinnacles
seem the more  Im elevated .... taking me ... far away....
 from people who think there are beneath.....
 smiling  wide ... showing  their  carnivous teeth...
how sharp they become....
when they sink inside
your skin.....
 a fervent ....souldiers test....
you must understand an average guy ....
with high expectations
writing a  almanac for the sowing of poetic seeds....
because my life is a directive...
which comply on laws thats  introspective...
mirror reflective ....
see yourself in my  words ...
pen your soul
badge of honor...
When postive text becomes your next.....
of your profound reality....

Freedom starts in your mind..
slides off the rhythm of your tongue....
 then its written in your constitution
unlawful entry...when we allow disdain words
becomes our penitentary
those who think they are beneath.....
becomes your thief....
the same ones who pay money towards your reef
funeral of your deffered dream.....
so many of them are living  underground...
where the earthworms swim in thier misfortune....
even  creepy crawlers .. come up for air ....
when the rain appears
directed to truths of moisture
realization of its now...abundant surface .....
when you lay there without life ..or..purpose

Hearken to love many heard this .....
So closed ears never leads to spiritual depth
 but actually death
Then you wonder why you always collect
too much water in your ears...
water torture floods your temple....
so even when you are sinking ..try thinking....

You maybe wondering why this tank  so full....
allow you faith become your pull....
bouyancy... determines by your will to live...
construction ...begins when your steps
are eager to build.....jacobs ladder.....
filled with your DNA....that matters
those thoughts of doubt....
let it trade places with....confused ideas of your life
create a eulogy... for your  self -destructive foolery

nlistic souldier

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